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In today’s hyper-competitive market environment, what matters more than anything else is being able to offer consumers real value for their money. Every time a consumer walks into a retail liquor store or supermarket, and every time they are making the decision of which beer to order at a restaurant, they are taking into account more than just taste. They are also considering the relative value of the beer from a pricing perspective and taking into account the overall look and appearance of the beer.
And that’s what makes the “Beer of the Year” such a winner with customers – any beer that wins this award combines the very best of Quality, Value and Packaging to offer an unbeatable value proposition to consumers.
One way that the USA Beer Ratings competition is different from any other beer competition is that it is focused on awarding and recognizing commercially viable beers. In other words, it recognizes beers that consumers really want to buy and order. And that means every single “Beer of the Year” winner comes with a very important stamp of approval.
And being commercially viable primarily means one thing: this beer is going to perform very well when it comes to sales. The “Beer of the Year” offers an unbeatable combination of superior quality and attractive packaging, all at a very attractive price point. For distributors, importers, or retailers looking to boost overall sales – it is almost a no-brainer that they should opt for beers with proven selling ability.
The rigorous judging process that evaluates beers on the basis of quality, value and packaging ultimately leads to a final winner that stands out from the pack in very unique ways. Thus, the “Beer of the Year” is not just another lager, or just another IPA – it is a very unique beer that makes it perfect for portfolio diversification.
Thus, if you are a distributor looking to fill a hole in your portfolio, or a retailer looking to fill a very real consumer need, the “Beer of the Year” is a perfect way to diversify your portfolio.
The net result of higher sales and portfolio diversification is an improved bottom line. There are two reasons for this. Those higher sales associated with the “Beer of the Year” come with improved margins. Since the “Beer of the Year” comes with its own branding, story line and narrative, there is not the need to come up with a brand-new marketing initiative to sell this beer. That helps to improve margins and bring down the cost of goods sold.
And, secondly, the diversification effect of adding the “Beer of the Year” to your portfolio means that you can boost your overall economic performance in both up and down market years.
Just as importantly, stocking up on the USA Beer Ratings “Beer of the Year” means that you gaining access to a new customer demographic. In today’s beer industry, brands and brand perceptions matter more than ever. That’s why it’s incumbent upon every member of the beer trade to double-down on those beers that have shown a remarkable ability to create unique branding, packaging and storytelling around their brand.
That’s particularly important when you take into consideration demographics such as young millennial beer drinkers. What types of messages appeal to them? What types of statements are they trying to make about their lifestyles by the beers they choose to drink? The “Beer of the Year” already has figured out answers to these questions, and that means you can automatically gain access to a new customer demographic or user base without any additional work of your own. Imagine being able to find the one product that young millennial beer drinkers want to buy, and then being able to offer it at an affordable price.
Since the USA Beer Ratings competition is such a consumer-focused competition, the main focus is on finding the types of beers that consumers are embracing at the current moment. Is there a certain region of the country they are turning their attention to? Do they prefer light or heavy ABV beers? Are they looking for specific flavors or flavor combinations in their beers?
One great way to stay ahead of these trends and developments is by considering the various Gold Medal winners of the USA Beer Ratings event – and especially the highest-scoring beer, which is awarded the very prestigious “Beer of the Year” distinction. Often, it is possible to spot a new trend or development before it enters the popular mainstream. In business, success is often a factor of being able to spot these trends before the competition does. Thus, it really is worth the time and effort to stock up on the “Beer of the Year.”
To see all of these factors at work, consider how the 2018 “Beer of the Year” - Monkless Belgian Beers – has combined the three judging criteria of Quality, Value and Packaging into a very attractive value proposition for anyone in the beer trade. First of all, Monkless Belgian Beers has a proven track record of making high-quality beers, which is what the judges of the 2018 USA Beer Ratings confirmed by giving the beer high marks for Quality.
But where Monkless Belgian Beers really pulled ahead of the competition was with its ability to offer high levels of both Value and Packaging. When consumers buy this beer, they know that they are getting value for their dollars. And, best of all, Monkless Belgian Beers comes with a great marketing concept – a beer that is brewed according to ancient methods originally perfected by Belgian monks. Instead of monks, of course, there are artisanal brewers in Oregon, which leads to the very clever brand name.
This is exactly the type of beer that wins “Beer of the Year,” and one that can make a welcome addition to any portfolio. If you are an importer, wholesaler, distributor or retailer, you really need to stock up on the USA Beer Ratings’ “Beer of the Year.” Doing so will give you a real competitive advantage vis-à-vis your rivals, and provide a proven way to boost your overall bottom line.
Get rated by Quality, Value, and Packaging by the top retail buyers in the USA. Here is how to enter.